Friday, November 30, 2012

Last Day of November

Hi Guys,
I'm so tired. Today is the last day of November, which means it's also the last day of NaNoWriMo. I probably shouldn't be posting this, I'm still 5,909 words from being done. I've really made a big difference with my writing in the last few days. I invite you to look at my stats here: 
Christmas Foswizzle practice is going really good. I'm wearing the Christmas Carol shirt right now. Come see it on December 15th, 2:00 and 7:00, and December 16 at 2:00. We've put a lot of work into it; it's going to be amazing!
Today is the last day of NaNoWriMo, and it's also my make up session of Act Out New York, this really cool acting class I've been taking. I posted about it earlier. The teacher, (Darcy) is awesome. She has a great tattoo on her wrist, and if I ever get a tattoo, I am going to get something very similar. Hers is the words Now Peter! in fancy lettering on her wrist. It's from Peter Pan, which she says is her favorite novel. 
Best of luck on whatever you're doing today and tomorrow and for the res of your life from
That Girl You See And Pretend You Don't Know

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Hello Fun Loving People of the World,
Kudos for all writing a novel this month! I have decided to become Canadian for the rest of the week so I have more time to work on my novel. Don't get me wrong, I'll still eat and stuff, but I never really liked turkey anyway. I feel kind of guilty, because on Saturday I'm having a Harry Potter marathon (told y'all I was obsessed) and will 19 hours, 47 minutes, and 19 seconds watching them all. Then again, I won't be watching commercials or credits or or any of that crap, so probably more around 17 hours. 
Yeah right.
Christmas Carol practice is this Sunday again, don't have the full schedule for it, I just know it's at 5:00. Then both days the next weekend, and then everyday the week after. Come see us on December 15th twice and 16th once! (Times posted later.) I got a really cool Christmas Carol shirt from the theater company, but I put it n the wash and now I can't find it. One of my friends who's also in a Christmas Carol wore his every single day last week. Talk about crazy. And un-hygienic. 
Starting to feel guilty about spending this long without writing. I should go, I'm way off my word count...Oops. So if you see me, cut me a little slack on how I probably won;t have taken a shower, won't have brushed my hair, and will be stumbling along like I just got out of bed. You probably won't remember me five minutes after you see me. That's how I got the nickname
That Girl You See And Pretend You Don't Know

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Hello People of the World,
Sorry I haven't posted in so long. I've been SO busy. Between Christmas Foswizzle, going to Chicago, Halloween, dance, music lessons, and all that other stuff, I have no time. 
I'm doing NaNoWriMo (NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth) this year, and last night I stayed up until 3:30AM working on my novel (you can start at midnight Nov.) and then this morning  had to get up at 6:30AM to got to an orthodontist appointment. I got more stuffs on, and my mouth is still killing me 6 aspirins later.
The whole write a novel in a month thing has got me really busy, so I probably won't be able to post in a while. If you see a weird looking girl with messy hair and odd shoes and...unusual clothes, whose frantically writing in a journal as she walks, remember: before you say hi, there's a reason she's known as
That Girl You See And Pretend You Don't Know