Friday, December 14, 2012

It's Been Awhile

Hullo humble admirers and readers of this blog,
That one's good too. Sorry I haven't posted in so long, it's been really busy. Tonight's the six hour long Christmas Foswizzle (A Christmas Carol) rehearsal. It's the last day of Tech week, which is also nicknamed "hell week" by the cast. Tomorrow's the musical. Come see it at the State Theater tomorrow (yay!) at 2:00 and 7:00, and Sunday at 2:00. Plus, Steve's mom is going to be there! (An old joke with Running to Places)
I'm leaving for Chicago on the twenty first. My dad's side of the family celebrates Christmas, so I get double the presents! (I'm Jewish) I can't wait to see my friend Jacob again. I posted about him a while ago, he's kind of my cousin (don't ask) and is obsessed with Harry Potter like me. I like to pop down there every now and then and just knock on his door or something. (Or this one time, when I just showed up at this party he was having.He was really surprised, because he just turned around and I was dancing. Explanation: he leaves his windows unlocked.) I also love the movie "Finding Nemo," but I have a sacred pact to only ever watch it at my Uncle Ron and Aunt Judy's house. (Uncle Ron is Jacob's dad's brother) My Aunt Judy and I have it practically memorized. Word per word. Last time I was there, we also watched Austin Powers while everyone else was asleep at two in the morning. If you haven't picked up on it already, my Aunt Judy is pretty awesome. Another reason I'm really excited to go back to Chicago is to meet Aunt Judy's new bird. I posted a little about her old bird before. Her name was Parita, and she died of some type of stroke not too long ago. It was really sad for everyone, because Parita had so much personality, but really sad for my aunt Judy, because Parita was like her child. The new bird is a parrotlet (like a really tiny parrot) too, and is apparently really nice. Aunt Judy asked everyone for names, and I don't know if she's made up her mind yet. I suggested Fern (they're usually this really pretty green color) and Dori, because she's our favorite character in Finding Nemo. Jacob suggested Rosalita, which I think sounds really pretty and last time I was talking to Aunt Judy, she said she really likes the name Rosalita too, because then she can call her Rosie.
This Wednesday, I'm going to a radio station place (what do you call it?) with Darcy, who I posted about a lot before. She has a really cool book quote tattoo on her wrist and teaches Acting Out New York. Darcy's awesome. Darcy's doing a commercial like thing on the radio, and she invited me to come with. I don't remember which station it is, or the exact time, so I'll try to post that later. She also invited me to come with to a TV thing she's doing in January for Acting Out. I think it's channel thirteen or something. I'll post that later too. (Hey, maybe you could see me!) Darcy does a lot of really cool stuff. She's an actress, and she's been on a ton of show's, like Grey's Anatomy and some other stuff. Here's the link to a video she wrote and filmed at a class she had: I do one of the PSAs. (That's public service announcement) Here's another thing Darcy did, you can see me in this one: 
I really missed blogging. Um, and that's the really weird end of this post. Yours Truly,
That Girl You See And Pretend You Don't Know